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“And what have you brought us today, young one?” the elder called Diodorus asked. Medusa held out the red and black image, the aged sage taking it carefully from her hand. As he did, lightning flashed across his eyes; swords and arrows jumped from the cloth — two warriors locked in mortal combat. “Medusa, child, the Gods have truly bestowed upon you a rare gift,” Diodorus often told her. A gift many mystics thought beyond the reach of any mortal. Goodreads page


chapter one D eep within the vast darkness of Chaos, the ingredients of life emerged. Atoms, molecules, and chemicals swirled into a primordial mist to create matter and energy. Chaos was the lone and primal creator, and from her boundless womb came all of existence — that which was… is… and shall be. First, from Chaos, emerged a female form. She was beautiful and broad-breasted; emanating life’s glorious shining light from her body of cosmic carbon dust. This was Gaia, light from darkness. Born lifeless and inert, she fell through the void of Chaos. She fell and fell, for time unimaginable until she woke into awareness of her existence. When her eyes opened, she saw the emptiness around her and wept. She curled up into a sphere and became the earth. Her tears of hydrogen and oxygen formed condensation. Her skin became the land, her breasts formed the mountains. Her beautiful hair came to be the floor of the sea and at the centre of it all, was her ...

Chapter Nine

ChapterNine T he glorious Temple of Athena the Victorious set high atop a rocky outcrop on the Acropolis of Athens. Built to convey Athens' powerful ambitions to be victorious against Sparta and take their place as a world power, it was positioned so that the people of Athens could always keep the Goddess of Victory in sight and thus worship, to assure a prosperous Fate by her good graces. While Medusa had seen the Temple many times in the past during her trips to Athens with her father, she now understood for the first time, what it meant to stand in the radiant light of its holy grandeur; to bask in its sacred emanations. Although the Sanctuary at Brauron had instilled in her a sense of dedication and spiritual devotion to the Gods, the Priestesshood of the Temple of Athena now gave her life meaning and solidified purpose. More than just the dreams of a child come true, it was destiny manifest through the Fates. Built of hand-hewn white marble,...

Medusa Through the Eyes of the Gorgon by Skevi Philippou

What constitutes a monster?  Medusa Through the eyes of the Gorgon is a wonderfully, enchanting albeit haunting portrayal of the extraordinary life of the young girl who grows to become the infamous Medusa. The author takes us on a journey of discovery as the protagonist discovers that she possesses the astonishing gift of sight but also an abundance of compassion and love for humanity that is unmatched by any God. An oracle in all her glory, the author in her adoring portrayal so eloquently and intimately engages with and unravels the infamous Grecian Myth of the great and powerful Medusa. This myth denied Medusa her voice forever condemning her fragmented monstrous form whereas this wonderful story celebrates and gives Medusa back what she had lost for centuries.  She lurked in the shadows a shunned outcast, driven to the brink of sanity by Gods, the so-called creators of truth and justice.  However, evil has many faces as Medusa unveils the horrid guises o...